Yesterday, Ian, ever the one to surprise me, did something totally unexpected -- he bleached his hair blonde! Now he looks like Adam Levine!
He did it while I had taken T.J. to the mall to get him some summer clothes. We were gone only three and a half hours and when we got back, my brunette bear had gone blonde! And not just the hair on his head! No sir -- he went for broke and bleached his chest and his pubes! When he showed me, all I wanted to do was have my way with him! And he let me! We had so-o-o much fun!
I asked him why he did it and do you know what he said? "You thought the Geek Squad guy was hot." No recriminations, no hurt poutiness in his voice, just his sexy, twisted grin and I love him for it!
And all because he treated me to his blonde self! I love that man of mine!