Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014 Everyone!

I want to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year! Here's hoping that your 2014 is better than your 2013 was!

Ian and I hosted our Swimsuit Party last night and it went off pretty well.  Some of our guests arrived in their flip-flops and board shorts while others had to change when they got here.  I will say there was less skin showing this year then there was at last year’s Underwear Party, that is until after midnight when the clothes came off, but that didn't stop a few people from making fools of themselves even before all the booze.  There was plenty to eat and lots to drink.  There was music to dance to and even and even a game of naked Twister after midnight!  That was a lot of fun.  You should try it sometime!  Tom and Benny did disappear for a good fifteen minutes shortly after midnight though and I noticed they were wearing each other’s swim trunks when they reappeared.  Something tells me they did a little more than kiss.
T.J. went up to his room about 2 a.m. and about half an hour later a few guests started leaving with the last of our guests gone by 3:30 a.m.  Once everyone was gone, Ian and I did a little bit of cleaning up before we headed up to our room to catch a few hours shut-eye.

So, there you have it – a good time was had by all!  Maybe we’ll do it again next New Year’s Eve!

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