It's my first post.
What is sure to follow will be a rambling through my disorganized, somewhat sex-crazed and horny gay thoughts on everything from my relationships and sexcapades to some of my original erotic fiction.
First, a little about me. My name is Garth. I am currently single, but attached to my two best friends and fuck buddies, Ian and Billy. I live at home with my 81-year old gran, whom I love. Both my 'rents are out of the picture. My dad skipped out on us when I was seven, so it wasn't the happiest of childhoods. Dad skipping out caused Mom to drink and drink she did. Most of the time she drank until she just pass out on the couch. But on occasion she was so blitzed out of her mind she would talk to the lamp as if it were my dad. Pathetic, eh? Around the time I was ten I had skipped so many days of school that Child Services had to be called in. If it weren't for Gran taking me in, I would have been bounced from foster home to foster home. I love that old lady. She straightened me out real good with love and the occasional whoopin'.
Sometime around the beginning of High School I realized I wasn't that into girls. Now Gran had seen quite a bit in her years, she was even a chorus girl at one time so she knew something about boys and girls and she was actually the one who told me why I wasn't that into girls. Bless her heart, I guess it was hanging out with all those dancer fellas that she recognized in me what I had just begun to question about myself. And even though she was very open-minded about it all, it confused the fuck out of me for a long time. It wasn't until Junior year that I actually lost my virginity with a friend named Eddie. Maybe I'll tell you all about it someday.
I like to travel. Visiting other places is a blast, especially hooking up with some of the local guys. They know all the hottest places and when you have sex, no one expects a long-term commitment. It's just fuck and suck, take a shower, dress and on to the next guy.
I am a voracious reader. It started with comics (of course) and now I read just about anything I get my hands on. I am currently reading Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott, first published in 1819. I only started it the other day, and at first it felt like I was reading something for a college lit class, but I'm getting into it.

I love the movies. The last non-porn thing I saw was Star Trek. That Chris Pine reminds me of Micheal C. Hall, the guy on Dexter who plays a Serial Killer who kills killers. Great show.

Speaking of Dexter, I don't have Showtime, but I saw season one when it was on CBS a couple of years ago during the writer's strike. I read the first three books by Jeff Lindsey and am waiting the forth book.
When I'm not working, reading or watching movies, I love hanging out with my friends. Of course, I love having sex, too. Especially hot, sweaty sex with my friends.
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