It rarely fails -- a naked man and a full-length mirror -- and Narcissus is reborn! There are fewer things hotter than watching a well-built man make love to himself while gazing at his own reflection. No one knows how to please a man better than the man himself! It isn't just self-indulgence, it's self love at its sexiest, most basic core. After all, who was it that brought each of us to our first climax? We did it ourselves, for ourselves. Masterbation has always had such a dirty reputation; good boys never played with themselves! Yeah, right! I love playing with myself, and I love watching other guys play with themselves. Maybe it's the idea that jacking off is wrong that makes it feel so good, maybe it's just that simple. It doesn't matter where the mirror is -- the bathroom, the bedroom, the home gym, even the hallway; just get naked and grab a bottle of your favorite lube and have some fun. Better yet, invite a friend and then do it! You never know what might happen!

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