(The list I expected T.J. to give me, he gave to Ian instead.
Sneaky, little brother, very sneaky!)
Having grown up as an only child, I never knew what it was like
to be a brother until T.J. came into my life. T.J. has only been living with me and Ian for the
last fifteen weeks and we are still learning about each other, but in that short
time, we’ve grown very close. It’s amazing
how much alike we actually are! We both like
the same kinds of TV shows and movies, our tastes in music are pretty similar, and
we’re both into sports, although he prefers football and I prefer baseball.
So this Christmas, I plan on making it special for the both of
us – he doesn’t know it, but Ian and I managed to get him every CD, Blue-Ray and
video game he asked for and a ton of other stuff as well! We’re gonna make this the best Christmas ever!
And as for the dog, let’s just say that after breakfast tomorrow,
T.J. and I have a pet shop to visit so he can pick out the dog he wants. (We’ll see about the driving lessons in a few months.)
from me and T.J. and Ian, we wish everyone out there a truly blessed and happy Christmas!
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