Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tomorrow Is My Birthday. . .

I will be 29 years old as a gift from me to me I have decided that this will be my final entry for this blog.

Let me explain.  This has been one hell of a week – the telephone and TV cables were accidentally cut and it took several days to get them repaired.  I got sick with a fever that reached 103.8 and raged for four days before breaking.  T.J. discovered an infestation of bedbugs in his room; from where it came, who knows but it necessitated us bagging and getting rid of his mattress, box spring and headboard, ripping up the carpet in his room and laundering all his clothes, the bed linens and curtains then spraying and re-spraying his dresser, closet, desk, TV, game systems and computer as well as the room itself!  We had to buy him a new bed which won’t be delivered until a week from tomorrow.  And, of course, our dog just had to choose this past week to get in a fight with a neighbor’s dog resulting in a trip to the vet!  All this I had to try to deal with from my sick bed!

I can’t do all that and pay attention to this blog.  And lately, I've felt this blog has become a bit of a strain to do.

Last March, on the way home from Atlantic City where Ian and I celebrated our first anniversary, Ian asked me why I did what he called my “porn blog” and I had no good answer.  I took a month off to figure out the answer and I came back without one other than “because I wanted to.”  In the nearly four and a half months since I've been back, I've felt an increasing sense of monotony with the blog.  As pretty as the men I post are and as raw as some of the sex depicted here has been, it’s all fairly much the same – just cocks and asses and cocks in asses and cocks in mouths.  There’s no excitement to it anymore.  Maybe I've outgrown this blog and don’t need it anymore.

When I first started posting pictures of naked men, the thrill for me wasn't the nakedness of the men; fuck, just about everyone who reads this blog knows what cock looks like, feels like and tastes like.  No, the thrill was in stringing the photos together in some way that made sense, using an adjective as a theme like “blonde” or “cowboys” or using random guys I thought were hot looking.  I sometimes even added a little narrative to string the pictures together with.

In the beginning, this blog was more about my life; exploring who I was, where I came from, what made me who I am.  It has, over the years, degraded into a simple photo blog without much to say.  Look at what I've posted since I came back last April – in the last 71 posts, only 17 have had some connection to me personally.  The rest, the other 54, were pretty much just cocks and asses and cocks in asses and cocks in mouths. 

So I’m going to walk away from this.

I want to thank all the people who have come and enjoyed my blog over the years.  Had it not been for some of you, I would not have returned last April.  If you enjoyed this, please visit my other blog, Garth's Daily Naked Men -- which you can reach here – I’m going to keep running, at least for now.  It’s a nice, simple little photo blog, just naked men.  A new naked man every day.  Drop by and take a look.

So again, thank you and good-bye.


Anonymous said...

Will miss you!


Mark Greene said...

Man ! I just discovered your blog today ! I wish I could have discovered it earlier . Sometimes I feel the exact same way you feel and just need to take a break sometimes. I hope to see you visiting back every now and then.

The Male Casting Couch

Big Dick said...

I like your blog