With all the time off that I have because I have Ian's blessing to forget about working for a while and go back to college to finish my degree, I've been doing some puttering around the house, catching up on some of the little things that often don't get done. I've washed the windows, shampooed the carpets, started a little herb garden, painted most of the rooms in the house and fixed the leaky faucet in the bathroom.
Every morning now for the past few weeks, once Ian has left for work, I head down to the basement and do about twenty minutes of weights and fifteen minutes on the treadmill, just enough to work up a sweat. Then I shower, make some breakfast and enjoy it on the back patio if the weather is good. After breakfast, I do the chores -- housework or laundry or shopping at the supermarket. It really doesn't take all that much time, and when I'm done I watch T.V., play video games, do some light reading or surf the Internet.
About 4 p.m. I start on dinner, after all if I'm going to be the one at home, the least I can do for Ian is have a nice dinner for him when he gets home. Besides, it gives me the chance to use Grandma's recipes again!
I don't usually wear much when I'm home by myself -- just some socks and my gym shorts. I mean why bother with anything else unless I'm going out? I used to just be naked at home during the day, but with the window shade up, I thought better of it. Sleeping naked is O.K., but around the house during the day, who knows whose looking in. Better to be safe and wear my shorts.
Not that these guys have any problems letting it all hang out. Enjoy!

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