Saturday, February 23, 2013

Two Weeks to Go!

In 14 days, Ian and I are getting married.  Everything is going well, Cheryl has been a godsend!  I honestly believe that if we hadn’t hired her, Ian and I would have called off the whole thing weeks ago and just gotten married at city hall.
When we first announced our engagement, several of our friends asked us where we intended to register because they wanted to get us something.  We hadn’t really given any thought to registering at a store.  I mean, Ian and I have been living together for a while now in the house I inherited from my grandmother.  We have everything we could need in the way of housewares.  So, after talking it over, we decided not to register at all.  When we sent out our announcements and invitations we made sure that, in lieu of the traditional wedding gifts, we asked our guests to make a donation to either The Point Foundation (an educational scholarship), The Gay Men’s Health Crisis, GLAAD, The American Cancer Society (my father died of prostate cancer) or The American Red Cross (because of Hurricane Sandy).  And all I can say is that the response to our request has been very positive – notifications of donations have been coming to us for the past couple of days now.
Something else Ian and I have had cause to talk about is sex.  Now don’t get snarky, we both know what it is and how to do it; we’ve been sucking and fucking each other for several years now.  What we talked about was sex with others.  As many of you know, Ian and I shared our lives and our bed for a little over two years with our good friend and former lover, Billy. Before, during and after Billy was part of our intimate sex life, we sometimes brought another person into our bed.  Sometimes it was a friend, sometimes some hot number one of us took a liking to on the dance floor.  We were young and horny.  The concept of infidelity was foreign to us.  Although we were in a relationship, Ian and I (and Billy at the time) fooled around when we wanted to without guilt or shame.  After all, it wasn’t like we were married, right?
But now that we’re getting married, Ian and I knew needed to reexamine our old hedonistic policy of fucking and sucking whomever we wanted whenever we wanted.  We’ve been very lucky in the course of our relationship – neither one of us has gotten anything worse than a case of crabs and that was a long time ago!  But now, the idea of hooking up with some hot guy for a quickie seems wrong.  So, we agreed – no more whoever, whenever.  We’re both at the stage of our lives when we no longer have to find that thrill outside of our relationship. I’d like to think that we’re growing up a bit, after all, Ian is turning 27 in April and I turn 28 in August.
But just because we’re getting married, it doesn’t mean we have to give up on the wild and crazy from time to time.  We just have to be smart about it.  After all, straight rules about sex in marrage don’t necessarily apply in a gay marriage.  Take, for instance, our honeymoon. We’re booked to stay a few days at The Equator in Key West and a few more nights at The Villa Venice in Ft. Lauderdale.  Both of these places are clothing optional and Ian and I take that to mean naked guys wandering around and in the pools and hot tubs.  If the opportunity presents itself, and both Ian and I agree, we might just have a little extra fun, but only if we both agree.  That’s our new rule when on vacation at gay-friendly or gay-exclusive places now – we both have to agree to the threesome.  
At home, we have other ways to keep the spark – our toys and the play room in the basement.  But who knows, maybe we’ll end up like most married couples – sex a few times a week, the same as it has been for a while now.  Growing old together may not sound sexy, but knowing someone is waiting at home for you and is willing to listen to how great or how crappy the day was is exactly why I said ‘yes’ when Ian proposed.  I want us to cuddle under the blankets on a cold winter night, skin against skin.  I want to watch him walk down the hall naked when he’s old and gray and a little saggy because I’ll remember how tight his ass was and how hard his cock used to be and I’ll get hard at the memory and we’ll make love and it won’t matter if he can’t cum or I can’t because we’ll love each other.  I’m looking forward to all of that and so much more.  
I can’t wait for our life together to get started.

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